DSA/SHADE sponsor AIA Honolulu Pecha Kucha
Architecture Month Kick-off - PechaKucha: Night of Design Presentations
When: Thursday, April 5, 2018 5:30pm-8:00pm
Where: AIA Honolulu Center for Architecture 828 Fort Street Mall Suite 100 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 United States
Contact: AIA Honolulu contact@aiahonolulu.org (808) 628-7243
Under the thematic umbrella of “Community: Design Matters,” AIA Honolulu will celebrate with a Pecha Kucha night on Thursday, April 5 from 5:30 to 8pm at the Center for Architecture.
Please help usher in Architecture Month with presentations by AIA member architects, interior designers, educators, fine artists and writers in the fast-paced Pecha Kucha-style: a total of 20 slides per presenter with only 20 seconds of commentary per slide.
- Michael Ah Chong
- Fred D'Angelo
- Renee Espiau
- Kris Goto
- Kris Jugueta
- Bundit Kanisthakhan
- Emiko Miyazawa
- Tim Schuler
- Woody Simpson
- Brian Wolf
Register: Please register
online for planning purposes. Walk-ins welcome!
Mahalo PechaKucha Sponsors: