Monday, June 29, 2015

SHADE in the Pacific Business News

For more information about SHADE and our future events please go to:
SHADE Launch

SHADE is a professional alliance of innovative planning, architecture, design and engineering firms who share expertise and interest in the built environments of the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. As an alliance of companies, SHADE is an umbrella organization of member firms and individuals which transcend geographic borders to plan, design and build safer and more sustainable places in the rapidly urbanizing tropics. SHADE project types include housing, schools, workplaces, transportation, cultural and community building.

Sustainable and resilient planning includes the research, data collection, analysis and documentation of findings of existing and projected conditions. Planning is the necessary preamble to design and construction which factors the socio-political, economic and physical context of a place.

Humanitarian public interest practice places a priority on service to community and those who are undeserved by the environmental design professions. Public interest practice is an evolving field which leverages professional services to do what is right for those in need and to inspire action by resource holders and decision-makers.

Architecture and design, are the core practice disciplines at SHADE. We design buildings, places and things for people. Our approach is site and climate-based, taking into consideration the needs of the broader world, region and community. Design excellence is what we strive for in all projects with careful consideration of the project budget and evolving needs of our client and their stakeholders.

For more information and updates on all the SHADE events please visit: